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Tall Story Chair Pembroke Dock Community School.
Robert was asked to run a training course run by ‘Springboard’, a Welsh Assembly funded project that offers free training courses for adults

Working with a group of five mums and dads from the Pembroke Dock area we designed and created a carved Oak Story Chair for the new storytelling area at the Pembroke Dock Community School.

It was installed on a sunny day in March and will soon be joined by a circular seating area.

This part of the school is being developed with a range of outdoor learning features including raised beds for allotments and a musical play area.

Installation day at the ‘Blue School’ Pembroke Dock Community School.

Having dug the hole, levelled the chair we mixed the concrete to secure the steel fixing brackets.
filled in the paperwork and evaluation forms.
The Team
Photographs showing the working process for this workshop session and some of the preparation work for the Horsham benches have been documented by James Ramage as part of his photography degree project ‘a day in the life of’. More of his work can be seen at

The circular seating for the new storytelling area at Pembroke Dock Community School has been designed and created in a series of workshops with DadVenture UK a group of 4 young dads

Curved timber that had come from local farmland was selected and sawn at a local sawmill,

Laid out on the ground to determine the size and shape, then cut, carved and rounded.
We fixed on the legs.
Loaded up the trailer.
Dug the holes, levelled and coated with an exterior wood finish.
And did the paperwork!
The storytelling area was officially opened with a session by a local storyteller and one of the teachers and her class.
more images of this project can be seen at dadventureuk

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